August 7, 2022How to Stream Nintendo Switch to Discord

The Nintendo Switch is among the best gaming consoles to date. It provides hundreds of games with exclusive titles, both free and paid. The Nintendo Switch is also portable, allowing you to play almost anywhere at any time!

As a gamer, have you ever wondered if you can stream your favorite Nintendo Switch games on Discord? Actually, you can! But compared to other platforms like PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, streaming your Nintendo Switch on Discord has a different process.

You might think that the process of streaming your Switch on Discord may be difficult. However, in this guide, we’re going to prove that it’s quite simple.

So, keep reading if you want to learn how to stream Nintendo Switch on Discord seamlessly and hassle-free.

Things You’ll Need to Stream Nintendo Switch to Discord

Before you can stream your Nintendo Switch screen on Discord, you’re going to need a few things. These include the following:

Video Capture Card

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Photo Credits to Popular Mechanics

The first thing you’ll need to stream your Nintendo device to Discord is a video capture card. The purpose of a video card is to help you connect your Switch to your laptop or computer.

You’ll need a video card with USB-C ports and some settings that most HDMI capture cards would have. We recommend that you get a video card that supports online streaming. You can buy this in most electronics stores.

Streaming Software (Video Capture Card Software or the VLC Media Player)

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Photo Credits to Alphr

The next thing you’ll need is a streaming software like video capture card software or the VLC media player. Deciding on which software you’re going to use to stream is very important. The software you use will also depend on what video capture card you’ll be using.

Both VLC media player and OBS Studio are great choices to help you stream your favorite Nintendo Switch games online. What’s great about these two programs is that they’re both completely free and open source.

For the sake of this guide, we will be using the VLC media player as it is more beginner-friendly.

Discord App on PC

You’ll also need the Discord app downloaded on your PC. You can also use the Discord website. However, using the downloaded version would be more efficient.


Since some laptops don’t have an HDMI port, you’ll need to use a video capture card. But if your laptop has an HDMI port, you can use an HDMI cable to directly connect your Nintendo Switch to your laptop.

Now that you know the things you’ll need to stream on Discord, we can now proceed to the step-by-step process.

Streaming Nintendo Switch on Discord

Here, we’ll walk you through the process of streaming your Nintendo Switch on Discord.

Step 1: Connect Your Nintendo Switch to the Video Card.

Before you turn on your Nintendo, you have to first connect it to the dock.

  1. Connect your Nintendo Switch to the dock in order to make a solid connection.
  2. Next, you’ll see on the dock that it has an HDMI port. There, you can connect your capture card’s HDMI cable to the dock. If you’re not using a video capture card, just connect your normal HDMI cable to the dock.
  3. Now, connect the capture card’s HDMI/USB cable to your PC. Or if you’re not using a capture card, connect the HDMI cable to the HDMI port.
  4. Finally, once it’s connected, press the power button located on the top left corner of your Switch to turn it on. You’ll be able to view your Nintendo Switch’s display screen on your PC.

Step 2: Set Up the Streaming Software You’ll Be Using.

Once you’ve chosen which streaming software you’re going to use to stream, you can now set it up. For the sake of this guide, we’re going to use the VLC media player.

  1. Head to the VLC media player and click on “Media.”
  2. Click on “Open Capture Device” and make sure that the Capture Mode is in Direct Show.
  3. Click on “Show More Options” and click on “Edit Options.” There, paste this code:
C:Program FilesVideoLANVLCvlc.exe” dshow:// :dshow-vdev=”Game Capture HD60 S (Video) (#01)” :dshow-adev=”Game Capture HD60 S (Audio) (#01)” :dshow-aspect-ratio=”16:9″ :dshow-audio-samplerate=48000 :dshow-audio-channels=2 :live-caching=0 :dshow-fps=60.
  1. When the settings have been configured, you can close VLC media player.
  2. From there, find the VLC shortcut on your PC and press right-click on the VLC icon.
  3. Click on the “Properties” option and click “Target.” Change the target location of your video card and click “OK.” This will open a new display window.

Step 3: Set Up Your Discord for Streaming.

After step 2, you can now open Discord and join the server where you want to start streaming.

  1. Click on the “Screen” option on your server and click on “Applications” and select your “VLC display.”
  2. You’ll find a few settings and options that you can tweak to your preferences.

Step 4: Double Check if the Streaming is Working.

Here, you should double-check if the stream is working. If you’re done checking and configuring the settings, you can now go ahead to step 5.

Step 5: Start your Discord Streaming

Once you’re done with everything, you can now click on “Live” to seamlessly stream games from your Nintendo Switch.

That’s a wrap! You can now stream all of your favorite Nintendo Switch games on Discord seamlessly. If you’re encountering any issues or failures, make sure to check the relevant user manual.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need More Storage to Stream Multiple Games?

Your Nintendo Switch’s internal memory only has 32 GB. So, if you’re planning to stream multiple games, then you may need a MicroSD card to provide you with more storage. However, this totally depends on you. If you don’t plan on streaming numerous games, then you won’t need any more storage than what your Switch already has.

Which Is The Best Streaming Software to Capture Video And Audio Data Streams On Discord?

This will depend on your capture card since a lot of different capture cards have pre-installed software to capture both video and audio streams. But if you’re using open-source software, then we highly recommend the VLC media player for beginners and the OBS Studio for more features.

Why Should I Use the VLC Media Player to Stream on Discord?

The VLC media player is one of the easiest streaming software you can use to stream Nintendo Switch on Discord. It has all the features a beginner will need. In addition to that, it’s also completely free to use. This will lower your costs.


Streaming your games on Discord is a great way to share your gameplay with your family, friends, or other audiences. So, this method is one of the easiest ways to stream Nintendo Switch on Discord.

We hope this guide helps you to stream your Switch games on Discord seamlessly!

If you want to read more articles about the Nintendo Switch and other gaming-related articles, then you can check out our blog here.

Happy streaming!