August 28, 20225 Reasons to Love Marvel’s Spiderman PS4

Despite being launched in 2018, Marvel’s Spiderman remains one of the best PlayStation games of all time. 

If you loved the Spiderman movies and series, you would undoubtedly love this one. I’m sure you heard about a lot of movie-turned-games that ended out pretty badly. Marvel’s Spiderman ain’t one of them. 

Marvel’s Spiderman was spectacularly made. I won’t say a lot more. I wouldn’t want to give you too many spoilers for this game (for the rest of you who haven’t played the game yet). Instead, I’ll give you some of the biggest highlights of Marvel’s Spiderman. 

1. Harry Osborn


I’m sure for the rest of us who have actually followed the story of Spiderman in the comics as well as the renowned Spectacular Spiderman, we’ve gotten to hate this character a little bit. 

.Sure, he was introduced to be one of Peter’s best friends but he, later on, would low-key set Peter aside just to be popular. Totally not cool. 

But in the PlayStation game, Harry Osborn gave the game a cool spin. It’s like you never really get to see him in the actual game but his character being part of the storyline adds some sort of backstory to the game that everyone is just dying to know about (this is bound to be what Spiderman 2 is all about). 

Just when you thought you knew where the plot was going, Harry Osborn marches in and twists everyone. You can’t help but love that. 

2. Mary Jane

I have to be honest. I have never been a fan of Mary Jane. Not in the movies. Not in the cartoon series. And most certainly not in the comics. 

But Marvel’s Spiderman game really gave me some perspective. I mean, in the game, Mary Jane was portrayed as more than just a pretty love interest. She was her own person. 

The game had a sort of feminist vibe to it and it is all thanks to the role of Mary Jane in it. In this part of town, Mary Jane was a journalist, a strong-headed one. 

The developers even keyed in that Peter and MJ broke up because she wanted to focus on her career. MJ, later on, said that the real reason was that Peter wouldn’t let her do her own thing and insisted on treating her as if she is incapable of protecting herself(I’m pretty sure Peter meant well on this but what’s great about this scene is that they really gave the MJ character sidetones to her personality. 

3. The Plot

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The plot was amazing. The developers did not steer away from the real story of Spiderman too much. This was great because the reason people wanted to play Spiderman in the first place is that they love this hero so much. 

So one of the worse things the developers could do is to create a Spiderman game that Spiderman fans cannot relate to. 

But despite saying that, the developers did a good job as well in creating a plot of their own. The plot was pretty unique from the original storyline which made everything interesting.

Imagine if you were playing a game that simply dictated what you often saw in the movies. That would have been a pretty boring game to play. 

Every scene was knitted perfectly. It was all in the dot. The story started with Peter swinging straight to the Empire State Building to stop Fisk from getting away. Mission Accomplished. And then he had to go to work. More superhero stuff. He met MJ again after they’ve been broken up for about 6 months. 

MJ suddenly becomes a partner in crime. Ugh.. I won’t go much farther. I’d rather you play the game yourself. 

4. The Feels

The effects were awesome. The graphics, the sound, and especially the surround system. Each time you hit a wall or a crash, you could really feel the pressure on your console. 

It’s as if you are really out there battling crime. 

I’ve always been a fan of Spiderman. The day that I realized how cool Spiderman was, I said to be myself: I really wanted to be more like Spiderman (He’s pretty cool, you know?).

Well, with Marvel’s Spiderman Playstation game, I (along with other Spiderman fans) actually have a chance. 

If you’re going to ask me what the best part about Marvel’s Spiderman is, I would say it’s being able to be Spiderman. Because that is precisely how it feels playing the game. You get to feel like a superhero. 

I understand that this sounds cheesy and all. But just wait until you actually play the game. You will know what I mean. That’s for sure. 

5. The Side Missions

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I’m going, to be honest. The side missions could honestly get better with a lot of work. Still, I consider it one of the best features of the game. 

Why? Because even though there were lots to improve on, the side missions were able to successfully portray Peter as the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. 

Let’s face it. When Peter started all of this hero life mission, he started as the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. That meant that he was in it to help citizens in the littlest of ways. He would help people getting mugged, recover a lost bicycle, help an old woman cross the street, you name it. 

But eventually, greater evil started to ensure and before you know it, Spiderman’s life was never the same. 

The first scene in the game did not begin with Spiderman as a newbie in being a hero. He was already a veteran hero at that point. You would even catch peter joking about how he’s getting too old for the wild goose chase with evil villains. 

But with the side missions, you’ll see a more playful and simpler side to Spiderman. Even though he’s there for New York, he always makes time to help the citizens with their simple problems. He doesn’t choose he helps. If anyone needs him (big or small), he’s there. And that is why he is my favorite hero.